Yesterday, when I realized I had spent close to 45 minutes looking up what type of AA batteries to buy I knew I had a problem. I have become obsessed. So much so that I can trawl Amazon for hours trying to figure out how many amps a rechargeable battery has, when I'm still not totally sure what an amp is or if I even want a rechargeable battery.
It's so funny, because the lead up to a thru-hike is so anti-thetical to the thru-hike itself. You spend endless hours in front of a screen, you buy a bunch of shit, and you plan like crazy. Of course, it doesn't have to be this way, but it is for many of us - even if you make all your own gear, how many hours do you spend in front of a sewing machine?
That said, it's the polar opposite to hiking, where life is so simple. You live out a backpack and each morning when you wake up, all you have to do is walk and eat. No plans. No screens. No buying shit. I guess that's why you put yourself through all the planning now, so you don't have to deal with it later.
Anyways, I don't know who I'm writing for because I haven't actually told anyone about the blog yet, which is maybe ok for awhile.
Besides researching batteries, right now I'm doing all the fun stuff, like figuring out my route, putting together gear, getting the GPS setup, thinking about food, mail drops, and so much more.
I'll post more soon as I'm off to Colorado for a ski trip this week...
PS I guess I didn't mention it above, but what I'm doing is hiking the continental divide trail. It goes from mexico to canada, it should be fun.
Learn more about the trail:
Continental Divide Trail Coalition
CDT on Wikipedia
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