Monday, 6 July 2015

Day 75: Big day on the Divide over Gray's Peak

Mileage: 24 miles (1160.3-1184.3)

I woke up at 4:15 so I could get an early start. The next 25 miles were above tree line and I aimed to finish it all out today. On top of that, the last climb of the day was Gray's Peak at more than 14,200'. If I was gonna fit all that in before the afternoon storms rolled in I was gonna have to move.

It was a pretty foggy and soggy morning, with a definite nip in the air. The fog burned off a little after I climbed Whale Peak and I was treated to incredible 360 degree views. I had to hide behind a rock and put on every layer I had to stay warm before the sun finally peaked through. The clouds rolled in on and off throughout the day, but that made me appreciate every view all the more.

There were great flowers as usual, including Moss campion and Rocky Mountain phlox, which stood out in big pink clumps against the bright blue sky. There were a lot of ups and downs and I definitely felt the altitude.

By about noon I came to the intersection where I could either go down nearly 3,000 feet to about 10,000, or I could stay up high, cut a few miles off, but have to climb a few more high peaks. I couldn't bear to lose all that elevation I'd earned so I took the high "Argentine Peak" alternate, electing to stay on the divide. It was also a bit shorter than official route - funny the official route doesn't stay on the divide. This sounds like it would be easier but it involved a ton of up and down and definitely wasn't a cake walk  I had wonderful views of Gray's and Torrey peak to the north - and Gray's loomed over me about eight trail miles to the north. I skirted Argentine Peak on a talus slope to avoid going up to 13,700' just to lose it. As I got on the Knife's edge spine heading towards Gray's, the clouds started rolling in and I got worried, but I had nowhere to go but over the peak.

Ascending the nameless peak before Gray's I saw lone mountain goat through the fog that had enveloped me. When I got over the peak I saw he had a partner. They looked more like yetis than anything else - they have so much hair! They grazed while I took pics. I could have watched them all day but I had to keep moving unless I wanted to get stuck on the ridge or accidentally walk off the knife's edge.

I was completely exhausted going up Gray's one step at a time, but also wasn't trying to take my time as I heard thunder overhead. I was about as exposed as you could be so I wanted to get off there as soon as possible.

When I finally reached the summit I was completely fogged in on top of Gray's and couldn't see more than twenty feet in front of me. 

I'd had wonderful views all day long, so I was just happy to be going down. The steady drizzle turned into heavy rain and then hail which stung my shins and ankles as I struggled to find the correct path down the mountain. Lightning flashed in the distance. I was lucky to be headed down towards treeline, even though I was totally soaked.

I finally made it to trailhead below tree line and setup camp under a fir tree. I was so exhausted I didn't even cook even though I was famished. I just ate peanut butter and chocolate.

Exhausted, I was asleep by 7:30.

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