Thursday, 20 August 2015

Day 114: Smoke in the Tobbaco Roots and Whitehall

Mileage: 31.6 miles (2104.7-2136.3)

I slept until 7am and my body was sore and tired when I woke up. I can feel the wear of five months on me in every muscle, tendon, and bone - not to mention in my brain. The smoke had already settled into the valley and its acrid smell made me a little queasy.

I went downhill to South Boulder Creek and the road which followed it north. I started the ascent to 7,800' up some beautiful trail and winding switchbacks. Unfortunately the views were obscured by layers of smoke, but I could see the closer peaks at least, rising to above 10,000'.

I descended from there and after another minor ascent I left the beautiful constructed trail to a forest road, which eventually took me down to the Jefferson River. By five I made it to the river, emerging form the rolling sagebrush hills to flat, ranchland. The bridge was out, but I decided to cross anyways rather than take a 3 mile detour. The river was high and running fast, but I lengthened my poles to steady myself, and made it across with the water never getting above my thighs. 

On the other side I followed Cottonwood Road until it hit a gate that said, "No Tresspassing - Keep Out" I only needed to take the road for another mile to connect to the main road, so I figured I'd just move quickly and it would be fine. And it was fine, until I ran into the two horseback riders. The man promptly informed me I had to turn around and go back the way I came. I apologized and asked if I could just go to the main road and Whitehall as I'd already walked 25 miles today. He hesitated, but then agreed that would be fine. He said I'd have to cross the river again and trespass somewhere else, but that was the quickest way to Whitehall. I said "ok", apologized again, and thanked him. I walked more quickly, crossed the river again, and then had to hop a fence or two before I crossed a field and got to the main road. There were houses on each side, which made me nervous so I was happy to make it to the road before I had another confrontation.

I walked into town and headed to the Chief Motel where I had the best meal so far in Montana, which included a fresh salad, beer, chips and salsa, and a burrito smothered in homemade green chili. To top it off I had a brownie sundae. Somehow my bill was only $16 for that tremendous amount of food. I headed back to my room, watched TV and fell asleep by around ten.

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