Monday, 31 August 2015

Day 125: Dinosaurs in Bynum and Beyond

Mileage: 27.9 miles (2375.8-2403.7)

Micah, our host, woke up at 6am and cooked us biscuits and eggs and sausage and hashbrowns for breakfast. After breakfast and thanking our hosts, we got coffee at a gas station and headed out of town by mid-morning.

Our group likes breaks and we took a few on the way to the dinosaur museum. I powered through to Bynum our in front of the group, anxious to see the dinosaurs. It was a cool museum, full of bones, though the presentation of information did remind me of an eighth grade science fair. I learned T-Rex used to roam Montana and many discoveries had been made in this area. We all ate lunch out back and drank the potable water there. 

We walked and walked the highwa and could see Rockies in distance, which was depressing. I had good conversations with the guys. I talked about ultimate frisbee with Stabby and about his job and college experience and we all had a joke hour which quickly turned off-color. Though, I did get to tell my favorite joke about two whales, which basically involves making whale noises until someone asks you to stop after five minutes.

King David (aka Tom from Israel) got his new name after he hit a post with a rock before the rest of us. We were all trying to hit the post during a break as we were pretty bored out of our minds. Then he told us instead of Big Bird on Sesame Street they have a giant talking porcupine. Weird, but we all got a good laugh out of that one.

I cooked my second and third meals of the night to the setting sun. I ate ramen and then Fajita Chicken. Good night, another long day, I'm tired!

During our rock throwing break...

Cool clouds and good sunset on the plains! 

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